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Camp Med-O-Lark

I have briefly mentioned in my previous blog post I was a Camp Counsellor for Camp Med-O-Lark in Maine, USA. I was working in the U.S as a Camp Counsellor and taught pottery, and briefly taught stained glass. It was an incredible experience and would recommend it to anyone. It certainly teaches you a lot of life skills and you have the chance to meet an array of people from all over the world. Working at camp makes you push yourself to do things out of your comfort zone, who ever you are. You push yourself for a reason, whether it is for yourself, for your job, or for the kids, and whatever your motive you become a better person.

I loved the camp, camps aren't a part of my culture, as there aren't any that I know of in my country England. So understanding the true concept at first was difficult, for example, why do parents send their children by themselves from as far away as Japan to the US for several weeks? It wasn't until nearer the end of camp, I got it. Camp is a 'Utopia' where kids can be whoever they want to be, in the safety of camp. No one judges and everybody is open. The world at camp accepts you, no matter how crazy you want to be. It was a non competitive camp, so everything was there was for fun with no pressure for the kids.

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