Northern Craft Fair - Gateshead
The next fair I will be holding a stand at will be at the Northern Craft Fair in Gateshead at BALTIC Centre For Contemporary Art. This is...
Online Presence
I now have a Facebook page.... www.facebook.com/SarahWaferCeramics Pinterest www.pinterest.co.uk/sarahwaferceramics...

Green Beans Community Market
I have just been accepted to hold a stall at The Green Beans Community Market in Whitley Bay. Come along for Christmas shopping....

Crafts in the Pen, Skipton Auction Mart
It has been a busy and fulfilling weekend at The Crafts in the Pen, Skipton Auction Mart. I have made many sales as well as commissions,...

Crafts in the Pen Set Up
It has been such a busy day.. Driving TWO hours to get to Crafts in the Pen at Skipton and setting up my pen for the weekend. It is my...

Crafts in the Pens
On 17th-18th November I will be holding a pen at Crafts in the Pens, selling my work. This is the first time exhibiting as 'Sarah Wafer...

Simply Rhino Level One
For three days I have been learning more about Rhino at The Goldsmith Centre, London. I have had some experience using this software...
In the New Year!
It is nearly 2017, and I am putting into perspective the aims I wish to achieve in my art work and business. In the next year I plan on...

Craft Council Workshop - Trade, Art, Design and Craft Fairs: How do I grow my creative business?
Such a great workshop given by Caroline Jackson from the Craft Council. As I have recently finished my Masters Degree, this workshop has...

Skillsfest at University of Sunderland
Several ceramic/potters came to demonstrate their skills at the University of Sunderland. It was a great opportunity to attend and has...